Moe Day [part 1]

People from all around the world! Get ready for a party…because…this day…10.10.2010 it is the official MOE DAY!!

Japanese culture can impress you when it comes about explaining enjoying the little things. They tend to celebrate the most inexpressive things but which are useful and simple. We have celebrated different festivals related to different things. But now, it’s time to dedicate ourselves to the cutest and sweetest and the most beautiful things that exist: all that the moe phenomenon contains.

Now, an ample definition of this idiom would tell you that it’s a cliche when talking about anime/video-games female characters.

As you can see above all that is cute and apparently innocent it’s moe.

But this concept it’s not related only to the physical aspect of a character. The capacity of creating good impressions by acting “cute” in someone’s presence is also moe. If you saw “K-On” you know that the entire show goes like “moe, moe – kyun”. Cuteness overload. Perfect expression for describing what that show offers.

And it’s not the only one. And still, I have one question. Why do we have to celebrate moe again, when we already are celebrating it, with every show that we watch? The answer depends on what you feel when watching something. If you’re absorbed into it, you probably are involved in a fixed session of cherishing the plot, the characters, the messages..and honestly I’ve been through that.

Anyway, for those who really are into MOE, what can I say – enjoy it while it lasts 😀

[part two coming soon]